To celebrate Peter van Inwagen’s 80th birthday, the Rutgers Philosophy Department has organized “A Philosophical Conference in Honor of Peter van Inwagen’s 80th Birthday".
This event is sponsored by the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion and the Department of Philosophy
Rutgers University—New Brunswick
Oct 13 - 15, 2022 (Thurs-Sat)
Schedule (with Recorded Videos)
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022
9:30am-10:45am Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers University)
“Divine Activism and Deflationary Platonism”
11:00am-12:30pm Lara Buchak (Princeton University)
“Chance and Freedom”
12:30pm-1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm-2:45pm Aaron Segal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“Am I a Vague Object?”
3:00pm-5:00pm Trenton Merricks (University of Virginia)
“Arguments and Closure”
6:00pm-7:30pm Dinner (toasts from former students: Aaron Segal, David Builes, and Louise Antony)
7:30-9pm John Hawthorne (University of Southern California & Australian Catholic University)
"Induction and Disjunction"
Friday, Oct. 14
9:00am-9:30am Breakfast
9:30am-11:00am Barry Loewer (Rutgers University)
“Counterfactuals, Time's Arrows, and Free Will”
11:00am-12:30pm Ted Sider (Rutgers University)
“Quantifier Variance”
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-3:00pm Laurie Paul (Yale University)
“Knowing How to Value”
3:15pm-4:45pm Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University)
“Clifford vs. James”
5:00pm-6:30pm Alex Rosenberg (Duke University)
“On Van Inwagen’s Argument that that Most Philosophical Arguments are Failures”
7pm onwards Dinner (after dinner remarks from former colleagues)
Saturday, Oct. 15
9:00am-9:30am Breakfast
9:30am-11:00am Brian Leftow (Rutgers University)
“Anselm, Meinong, and Peter van Inwagen”
11:00am-12:30pm Anna Marmodoro (Durham University & Oxford University)
“The Number of a Thing”
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-3:00pm David Builes (Princeton University)
“The (Modal) Special Explanation Question”