• Jonathan Schaffer
  • Jonathan Schaffer
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Director of Graduate Placement
  • Specialties: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Language
  • Office: 106 Somerset St - 527
  • Phone: (848) 932-0411





I received my Ph.D. from Rutgers in 1999, and have since worked at the University of Houston, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the Australian National University, before returning to Rutgers in 2011. My main research area is metaphysics, and I have focused on the notion of fundamentality, and tried to revive the classical monistic idea that what is fundamental is the cosmos as a whole. I have further research interests in epistemology, in which I have advanced contrastive ideas of knowledge, as well as in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of science.