Why are there so few women in philosophy?
- Why do women leave philosophy? Surveying students at the introductory level.
- Why are women more quiet in department meetings?
- Five NYTs articles about women in philosophy – The Philosopher’s Stone
- Gender schemas – Virginia Valian
- Pipeline issues – Georgia State study on why women drop out of philosophy after their introductory course.
- Work women do is often considered a favor not requiring reciprocity – not so for work men do
- More on the gender gap in academia – Monkey Cage Report
- Brain differences in women and men? – Cordelia Fine
- Everyday Sexism Project – and comebacks to sexist comments
- What Women Have to Do to Get Ahead
- Data on Women in Philosophy: This website contains data on the percentages of women faculty at various philosophy departments. It also contains data on the percentages of women authors who are published in various philosophy journals.
- Improving the Participation of Women in Philosophy
See also What is Implicit Bias? and What is Stereotype Threat?
Norms of Professional Conduct
- Day One, by Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins
- Inclusiveness, by Adrian Currie
- Being an Excellent Colleague (with Paddy Blanchette), by Meghan Sullivan
- Writing for a Professional Audience (and Like a Pro), by Meghan Sullivan
- Publishing Your Philosophy, by Neil McKinnon
- Guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion, compiled by David Chalmers
The Two Body Problem
Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Susan B. Twombly, and Suzanne Rice. The Two-Body Problem: Dual-Career-Couple Hiring Practices in Higher Education. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
(This blog is no longer running, but contains some excellent interviews with professional philosophers, many of which are members of underrepresented groups in philosophy)
(Making Things Better for Women in Philosophy)